
A discussion on COVID-19

Join Kyra Caruso, LM a Midwife at the Brooklyn Birthing Center as she discusses COVID-19 and how to protect yourself in this difficult time. Topic: Covid-19 Session Time: May 14, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86796542035?pwd=bmFPMUZvbW9xZklvendkTGZuYjQrUT09 Meeting ID: 867 9654 2035Password: 974991One tap mobile+16465588656,,86796542035#,,1#,974991# US (New York)+13126266799,,86796542035#,,1#,974991# US (Chicago) Dial […]

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Brooklyn Birthing Center 2183 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!

A discussion on COVID-19

Join Kyra Caruso, LM a Midwife at the Brooklyn Birthing Center as she discusses COVID-19 and how to protect yourself in this difficult time. Topic: A discussion on COVID-19 Time: May 21, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82137770667?pwd=UysvWjRwSjhpdktpWk9Gd2dhN29mZz09 Meeting ID: 821 3777 0667 Password: 156638 One tap mobile +19292056099,,82137770667#,,1#,156638# […]

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Brooklyn Birthing Center 2183 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!

A discussion on COVID-19

Join Kyra Caruso, LM a Midwife at the Brooklyn Birthing Center as she discusses COVID-19 and how to protect yourself in this difficult time. Meeting details coming soon.

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Brooklyn Birthing Center 2183 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, United States

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!

A discussion on COVID-19

The COVID-19 discussion on June 4th has been cancelled. Please check back on our website for more details.  

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!

Brooklyn Birthing Center Orientation

Are you interested in having your baby at Brooklyn Birthing Center? The first step is to sign up for an orientation. Our orientations include an information session led by a midwife and a tour of the facility. Click here to sign up!