
Brooklyn Midwifery Group Welcomes 3 New Midwives!

In order to meet the growing demand for midwifery care, we have added three more midwives to our team! Please help us welcome Christiane McCloskey, CM, Katherine Roeltgen, CNM, and Denine Polen, CNM, FNP. These three fantastic midwives bring an incredible wealth of experience to our practice, and we are thrilled to have them on board. Check out our Staff page to learn more about our midwives and staff members!

For more information and updates, please check out our February e-newsletter. You can subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter here.


2013 in Review- plus, La Leche League Meetings!

The following is an excerpt from our December newsletter. To view the full newsletter, click here. To sign up for our monthly e-newsletter, click here.

2013 has been a pivotal year for Brooklyn Birthing Center! We dramatically expanded our birthing center and our staff, began offering on-site counseling and prenatal classes, joined the nationwide Strong Start Initiative, made strides toward becoming a designated Baby-Friendly Facility, and made headlines when we welcomed our 1,000th baby! We want to express our gratitude to all our clients- we achieved these milestones because of your support!

And now for some more exciting news: we will be hosting a monthly La Leche League meeting beginning in January! This is a great opportunity for new and expecting parents to socialize, support one another, and learn more about breastfeeding, postpartum health, and baby care.

The first La Leche Meeting at Brooklyn Birthing Center will be held on Monday, January 27th, from 7 PM – 8 PM. The meeting is free and open to women interested in breastfeeding, partners, and babies! LLL meetings at BBC will be facilitated by Jennifer Leopold, IBCLC, LMSW, and La Leche League Leader with La Leche League of Marine Park  / Madison.

Jennifer is also available for private consultations- click here for more information, and check out our calendar for future La Leche League meeting dates!  



1,000th Baby Born at Brooklyn Birthing Center!

Today a team of hard-working midwives delivered the 1,000th baby born at Brooklyn Birthing Center, the only freestanding birthing center in the New York metro area. The 7-pound, 13.5-ounce baby girl, Lillian Bramblett, was born to proud parents Kaitlyn and TJ at 1:19 PM.

Located in the Midwood neighborhood, Brooklyn Birthing Center (BBC) is staffed by the Brooklyn Midwifery Group, a small team of experienced Certified Nurse-Midwives. The midwives have full privileges at Maimonides Medical Center and are able to attend deliveries in a hospital setting; however, most low-risk clients opt to deliver in the home-like birthing suites at Brooklyn Birthing Center. 

Baby Lillian was delivered by Aki Shishido, CNM, with the help of Andrea Diamond, CNM; Maggie Torrance, Birth Assistant and Clinical Manager; and Linda Gaglioti, also a Certified Nurse-Midwife and Brooklyn Birthing Center’s Director of Midwifery. Ms. Gaglioti said, “It was such an honor to take part in this important milestone. We look forward to serving many more women and families for years to come.”

According to Fran Schwartz, CEO, Brooklyn Birthing Center’s clientele has grown dramatically in recent years. “More and more families are researching their options and choosing natural deliveries at a birth center when the moms are healthy and low-risk,” she observed, “Our clients play an active role in their health care— they want to feel empowered by their birth experiences.”

For healthy, low-risk mothers, there are many advantages to delivering at BBC. Friends and family members are welcome in BBC’s roomy birthing suites. Expectant mothers are free to eat, drink, walk, and labor in a variety of positions— many choose to alleviate labor pains by soaking in BBC’s birthing pool. Clients receive highly individualized care, and newborns always remain with their mothers— preferably skin-to-skin on the mother’s chest, to facilitate breastfeeding and bonding.

In addition to caring for pregnant women and attending deliveries, the Brooklyn Midwifery Group offers well-woman visits and family planning. The group also partners with social workers, lactation consultants, and a home visit nurse in order to provide holistic prenatal and postpartum care.

Brooklyn Birthing Center is a participant in the Strong Start Initiative, a nation-wide program to prevent preterm births. BBC is also working toward becoming a Baby-Friendly Facility, a designation that ensures the highest standard of breastfeeding support. BBC hosts a variety of classes for expecting parents, and plans to begin hosting La Leche League meetings later this fall.  


Beautiful Testimonial from a New Mom!

The following is an excerpt of a beautiful testimonial written by a new mother who delivered at BBC in April. We are so proud of our newest Staff Midwife, Gail Raymon, for inspiring this lovely letter! This is exactly the kind of story that makes us all feel so fortunate to work at Brooklyn Birthing Center!

Just one week ago, I was in such excruciating pain during 17 hours of active labor that I thought I would never meet my daughter. I feared I would never see the face of the stirring, kicking presence inside of me. I was afraid the only noise I would ever hear her make was the sound of her racing heart on the Doppler: a stampede of horses reassuring me that she was okay. This uncertainty- this fear- would have enveloped me were it not for my wonderful midwife, Gail. She helped me chase away the dark thoughts and usher in hope and reassurance. When it seemed I had hit bottom and couldn’t continue, she held my hand, looked into my eyes and said with a gentle smile, ‘Today is your daughter’s birthday.’ 

The quiet strength that Gail carries with her is exactly what I needed to get my through the birth of my first child… During labor, Gail was stern with me when I needed firm directives and soothing and maternal when I needed to be reminded that everything would be okay. She instantly learned the names of my “birthing team” (my husband, mom and sister) and continued to check in with them to make sure they were taking care of themselves as well as letting them know the ways they could best assist me… 

Although I couldn’t express it while I was in labor, I needed to be reminded of my own strength. I needed to be acknowledged for the hard work I had already done. Gail breathed power and self-confidence into me. My husband, mom and sister followed suit. As the minutes before my baby was born felt like pain-searing hour upon hour, Gail reassured me that I was more than capable of bringing my daughter into this world. She was right (of course). Despite my worst fears, [my daughter] was born at 7:14 pm on April 14th, 2013 at 6 lbs 14 oz. As I held her to my chest for the first time, studied her precious face and listening to the sound of her steady breathing, I remember looking up through tear-filled eyes and telling Gail how glad I was that she was the one who had guided me through it all. She took my hand and swallowed back some tears of her own as she replied, “It was my absolute honor.”



BBC to Participate in Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative!

We are thrilled to announce that Brooklyn Birthing Center was chosen to participate in the 2013 NYC Breastfeeding Hospital Collaborative! This city-wide effort to promote breastfeeding in birthing facilities is part of the global Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative.    

As the only freestanding birthing center in the metro New York area, BBC is uniquely positioned to support breastfeeding among new and expecting moms who choose to birth in an out-of-hospital setting. We already strive to promote breastfeeding in a number of ways: we discuss breastfeeding at prenatal visits, we sponsor a prenatal breastfeeding class, we keep newborns with their moms and encourage skin-to-skin contact, and we help new moms initiate breastfeeding after delivery.  

The Baby-Friendly program will enable us to build upon these practices. Beginning this summer, we will prioritize lactation support training for staff and offer additional breastfeeding resources to clients. We are excited to take our breastfeeding support program to the next level!


BBC is Expanding!

The following is an excerpt from our May newsletter:

As we discussed in our March and April newsletters, freestanding birthing centers are gaining increasing recognition for our family-centered, evidence-based model of care. New research demonstrates that birthing centers achieve better outcomes for moms and babies, and both policymakers and the media are taking notice. 

Judah and CheWe are pleased to observe that more and more families are choosing to birth at BBC- the only freestanding birthing center in the New York metro area. Earlier this spring, we responded to our growing clientele by growing our staff (again, see our March and April newsletters for details).  

Now, we are pleased to announce that Brooklyn Birthing Center is expanding! We will begin conducting prenatal and postpartum visits on the lower level of our building later this month, minimizing traffic on the birthing floor. Our back office will be converted into an additional birthing suite, and our reception area will be converted into a family room. These improvements will allow us to provide a calm, comfortable birthing environment for more expecting parents.

Stay tuned for more updates about our upcoming expansion- and sign up for our monthly e-newsletter here!  


BBC to Participate in the Strong Start Initiative!

Last year, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation announced that it would be awarding grants to initiatives that could demonstrate viable models for reducing preterm birth.  

We are thrilled to announce that the American Association of Birth Centers was awarded a $5.35 million four-year grant!  The birth center model of enhanced prenatal care program, known as AABC Strong Start in Birth Centers, will be evaluated in 48 birth center sites, located in 22 states across the US.  In the New York metro area, Brooklyn Birthing Center was chosen as AABC’s Strong Start participant!

We are truly honored to be participating in this program.  We believe preventable maternal and infant health problems can be reduced when providers take a more holistic approach to family health.  Because our model of care combines evidence-based medicine with multidisciplinary services and patient education, Brooklyn Birthing Center and other birthing centers across the US are perfectly suited to implement programs like Strong Start. 

Check out the full press release below!


Birth Centers Receive Grant to Reduce Preterm Birth

Contact:  Jill Alliman 423-253-4455, [email protected]

Washington, District of Columbia- Preterm birth is estimated to cost over $26 billion per year and impacts close to 12% of all births in the United States. Preterm birth is associated with increased risk of lifelong health and developmental problems.  The preterm birth rate has increased by 36% in the last 20 years.

In response to this persistent problem, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation announced early last year that it would be awarding grants to initiatives that could demonstrate viable models for reducing preterm birth. The American Association of Birth Centers was recently chosen to receive a $5.35 million four year grant to measure outcomes and costs from enhanced prenatal care using the birth center model of care for women enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP who are at risk of having a preterm birth. 

The birth center model of enhanced prenatal care program, known as AABC Strong Start in Birth Centers, will be evaluated in 48 birth center sites, located in 22 states across the US.  In the New York metro area, Brooklyn Birthing Center was chosen as AABC’s Strong Start participant.   

Since its inception in 1999, Brooklyn Birthing Center (BBC) has served families from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, including a high percentage of Medicaid-eligible clients. As the only private, freestanding birthing center in the New York metro area, BBC is a unique resource for families interested in receiving quality OB/GYN care and giving birth in a more home-like environment. 

Birth center maternity care is focused on the needs of the woman and her family, and is a time intensive relationship-based style of care that employs evidence based medicine, health education, and emotional support.  Birth center care is a collaborative practice, with teams of health professionals available for referral when needed.

“Freestanding Birth Centers have a strong track record of providing high quality care for mothers and babies for over 30 years in the U.S, including significantly lower preterm birth rates.  AABC looks forward to partnering with CMMI to identify how birth centers can best contribute to a national solution to improving our maternal infant outcomes,” said Jill Alliman, Project Director for AABC’s Strong Start project.

The superior outcomes and cost savings of birth centers were recently re-confirmed by the National Birth Center Study II, published in January 2013.  Study data demonstrate a 6% cesarean rate and significant cost savings over the cost of hospital care.  Study authors estimated the savings from study participants in NBCS II of over $30 million. 

AABC is one of 27 awardees nationally, and one of two that will test the birth center model of care to reduce preterm births and improve maternal infant outcomes while measuring cost effectiveness of care.  More information is available on the Strong Start initiative from the CMS Innovations Center.

About Brooklyn Birthing Center (BBC)

Located in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, BBC is the only private free standing birthing facility in the New York metro area.  At BBC, maternity care is provided by a small team of dedicated board-certified nurse-midwives.  Clients typically birth in the center’s roomy private suites— though those interested in a water birth may opt to deliver in the birthing tub.

BBC’s midwives have privileges at Maimonides Medical Center (MMC), and are thus able to manage normal deliveries in a hospital setting.  In the event that a hospital delivery is medically necessary or desired, BBC midwives accompany clients to the nearby MMC maternity unit. 

BBC offers GYN care, including annual exams, family planning services, and BRCA testing.  An internationally board-certified lactation consultant (IBCLC) and a social worker are available by appointment.  BBC also recently launched an educational series, which includes a childbirth education program and classes on breastfeeding and newborn care.  All classes are open to the general public.

About the American Association of Birth Centers

The American Association of Birth Centers (AABC) is a multi-disciplinary membership organization comprised of birth centers, and individuals and organizations that support the birth center concept including certified nurse midwives (CNMs), certified professional midwives (CPMs), physicians, nurses, women and their families. Founded in 1983, AABC is dedicated to developing quality holistic services for childbearing families that promote self-reliance and confidence in birth and parenting. AABC publishes materials on birth centers, sets national standards for birth center operation, and promotes state regulations for licensure and national accreditation by the Commission for the Accreditation of Birth Centers. 

About the Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Initiative

The Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns initiative is an effort by HHS to reduce preterm births and improve outcomes for newborns and pregnant women. This initiative is a joint effort between the CMS, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the Administration on Children and Families (ACF) and is also supported by various programs across the multiple agencies of HHS. The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation Center) will administer these awards through cooperative agreements over four years.


Birth Stories, Birth Hopes: a Discussion Group

We’re hosting another discussion group on Thursday, March 14th at 6:30 PM!

We welcome anyone who birthed with BBC in the past or plans to birth with BBC in the future! Partners and labor support team members are also encouraged to attend. Participants will share stories about their past birthing experiences, as well as hopes for future births. 

This discussion will be hosted by Brooklyn Birthing Center and facilitated by Ilana Kresch, CPM.  Ilana is a Certified Professional Midwife, nursing student, and BBC intern. She led a similar discussion back in December, and the event was so popular we decided to offer it again!

Please RSVP on Facebook, or e-mail [email protected].

Event News

Movie Night! Conscious Birthing: Our Stories

Join BBC for an intimate screening of this 60-minute documentary directed by Ilana Kresch, CPM.  Conscious Birthing: Our Stories explores pregnancy and birth choices through interviews with new and expecting parents, doulas, and midwives.  The film also follows one couple through their pregnancy, and includes footage of their beautiful water birth!

Director Ilana Kresch will be in attendance! Ilana is a CPM, nursing student, and BBC intern.  The film is primarily in English with subtitles in Spanish.  

PLEASE RSVP on Facebook or e-mail [email protected] if you would like to attend! 


Happy Holidays from BBC! And some exciting updates…

We want to wish all our BBC families a happy holiday season and a healthy New Year! Over the last few weeks, we’ve had the pleasure of learning more about our clients’ diverse seasonal traditions. We have also received many sweet holiday cards from families who birthed with BBC earlier this year or in years past. Thank you for thinking of us- it is truly a delight to see new photos of those growing babies!  

Many of you are spending your first-ever holiday season with a new addition to the family. We hope you enjoy this special experience. We’re especially excited for those BBC families who are celebrating the birth of a new baby this month- and we’re delighted to report that we’ve had a spate of beautiful births over the last week!  

Here at BBC, we are ringing in some exciting changes with the new year. We have two new midwives, and we expect to add two more midwives and several new birthing assistants to our team in 2013. Thanks to the help of our highly-skilled and dedicated interns, we are making technological leaps in the office and hosting monthly workshops for expecting families and new parents. Over the next few months, we hope to expand our programming to include childbirth education, increased breastfeeding support, and more!

Please sign up for our mailing list, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter to stay abreast of these exciting changes!