
A BBC Birth Story: Baby Ellis

A lovely BBC mama agreed to share her birth story in honor of her son’s first birthday! Happy birthday, Ellis! 

As this was my second child, I kind of already knew what I was in for, and hopefully that also included a faster delivery this time around. My first baby, Maddie, took a whopping 23 hours to arrive, including 3 hours of active, exhausting pushing.

I was excited and calm once the contractions started. Being so far along, at some point you just want the birth to happen already. I spent the early contractions in the tub, trying to relax as much as possible. Then when they started getting serious, my husband called our birthing doula Nicole— always a calming force— to check in and update her on my process.

My contractions eventually started picking up the pace late in the evening and Nicole said it was time. So my husband called my mother-in-law to come stay with our toddler Maddie, already long asleep in her room, none-the-wiser to what was about to happen and how her world was about to be flipped upside down by the cutest bundle on its way.

From Nicole’s calculations, I was pretty far into active labor and needed to get to the Birthing Center ASAP. The plan was: she would take me in the Uber she had waiting outside and my husband would wait for his mother to arrive before meeting us there. Dressed in nothing but pajama pants and a pale blue cotton robe, I made my way to the waiting Uber with Nicole steadying me to the curb, stopping and breathing with me through each contraction, now coming down faster and more intense.

There wasn’t much traffic on the way, but there were POTHOLES, EVERYWHERE. And the driver seemed to unintentionally hit ALL of them on the way. Between the contractions and the potholes I was pretty certain this baby was going to fall out of me in the car. Nicole was in the backseat with me, her eyes reassuring me that NO, we would NOT birth this baby in the back of this car, not on her watch, as her voice said calmly, “that’s right, find your breathhhhh…”

About 17 excruciatingly long minutes later, we arrived at the Birthing Center and after an initial intake exam by the midwife on duty, we settled into the birthing room. They got the tub ready for me, after knowing I liked working through the contractions in the water the last time around. Finally my husband arrived and greeted me. I was in the tub facing down another set of contractions. Someone asked me if I wanted to BIRTH in the tub as well. I couldn’t focus on anyone’s words at that point as I another contraction washed over me.

At one point one of the midwives said, “if she’s going to give birth in there, there are some things we need to do first…” At that point between the pain of the contractions and feeling of something BIG about to happen I screamed out to no one in particular, “I DON’T CARE WHERE I BIRTH!!” Looking back on it now, that was definitely one of those Hollywood, screaming birthing lady moments. At that point I’m pretty sure my water broke. I felt a HUGE pressure, then a burst. Then a bit of relief. No one noticed because I was still in the tub.

After they helped me out of the water and onto the bed, they were all concerned that my water hadn’t broke yet. I told them about the pressure and burst and then everyone realized it had happened in the tub. Then within 10 mins (which for me felt more like like an hour), I had a few more contractions and then the urge to push and then, he was here. My son, Ellis Lightman, born 4am, April 6, 2015.


Ribbon Cutting with Borough President Eric Adams!

On October 28th, we hosted a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to celebrate the opening of our breast milk donation depot for Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast (MMBNE)! We were joined by local obstetricians, midwives, doulas, La Leche League leaders, lactation consultants, a NICU nurse at Maimonides Medical Center (our transfer hospital and a recipient of donor milk from Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast), and Borough President Eric Adams!

For more information about our partnership with Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, please see our  June press release. For photos from our Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, please see below!

BBC Family at Ribbon Cutting, 10.28.15

Dr. Guirguis, Dr. Veridiano, Borough President Eric Adams, NYC MMBNE Outreach Coordinator Amber Star-Merkens, and Director of Midwifery Linda Gaglioti in one of our birthing suites.

Amber speaking, 10.28.15

Amber Star-Merkens of Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, speaking about the need for donor milk for preterm and medically fragile infants.

Dara Barnett, 10.28.15

Dara Barnett, RN, IBCLC, on the role of donor milk in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Maimonides Medical Center.

Ribbon Cutting, 10.28.15

Borough President Eric Adams, a generous milk donor, and members of the BBC and MMBNE team cutting our ribbon.

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Our First Donation for Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast!

Milk DonorWe just received our first donation for Mother’s Milk Bank Northeast! A Brooklyn mom generously donated 100 ounces of pumped breast milk. This milk will be processed by Mother’s Milk Bank Northeast, and then distributed to hospital NICUs throughout the region, where preterm and medically fragile infants will enjoy the health benefits of human milk.

As a donation depot, Brooklyn Birthing Center receives, stores, and ships donor milk for Mother’s Milk Bank Northeast. We hope that by providing this service, we can make it easier for Brooklyn-area families to donate milk.


If you are interested in becoming a donor, please check out this link. The enrollment process includes a phone interview and a quick blood test, which we can complete in our office. Approved donors can contact the milk bank to request free shipping materials, or simply drop milk off at Brooklyn Birthing Center. If a baby you love needs donor milk, click here to learn more.


BBC is now a Donation Depot for Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast!

Brooklyn Birthing Center and Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast (MMBNE) are pleased to announce the opening of a new human milk bank depot, located at Brooklyn Birthing Center in Brooklyn, New York.

A milk bank collects milk from mothers who have more milk than their babies need, then screens, pasteurizes, and tests the milk, and dispenses it primarily to premature and sick babies whose mothers do not have enough milk. The new milk depot, a donor milk collection site, is located at Brooklyn Birthing Center (2183 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, NY). Mothers from Brooklyn and beyond will now be able to drop off their milk at the depot for shipment to Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast.

“We are so honored to be part of this amazing program. Donor milk saves the lives of the most fragile of humans, and we applaud all of the wonderful women who so generously donate,” commented Adina Lerer, RN, IBCLC, Director of Lactation Services at Brooklyn Birthing Center. “We are thrilled that we have the opportunity to collect milk from the women of Brooklyn and pass it along to protect our babies. Thank you, Mothers’ Milk Bank Northeast, for allowing us to be part of this process.”

Naomi Bar-Yam, Ph.D., Executive Director of MMBNE, remarked, “We encourage mothers who have milk to share to consider donating it. The presence of a milk depot in Brooklyn will increase awareness of the importance of breastfeeding and donating milk. Donor mothers find the experience of donating very special, and we hope that the depot will provide an opportunity for mothers to network with one another about this unique, lifesaving gift.”

Milk donor screening, modeled after blood donor screening, includes health history, physician approval, and blood test. These are some of the many measures taken to assure the safety of milk for the fragile premature and sick babies served by MMBNE and the hospitals who use the milk. Breast milk from mothers who pass the screening is also pasteurized and tested by an independent lab to ensure safety before being dispensed to hospitals or families.

Donor milk can be lifesaving for preterm infants. It is especially protective against a life-threatening condition called necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), which affects one in ten of the smallest preterm infants. Donor breast milk is estimated to lower the risk of this condition by 79%. It also lowers hospital costs by reducing costs for care and shortening hospital stays.

Donor milk is rapidly becoming the standard supplement to mothers’ milk for preterm infants in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). This has led to greater demand for safe pasteurized donor human milk from nonprofit milk banks like MMBNE that are certified by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA). MMBNE has been screening donors, pasteurizing milk, and dispensing to over 40 hospitals in 10 states plus the District of Columbia, and to families throughout the Northeastern United States, since 2011.

In New York alone, MMBNE provides milk to 12 hospitals, including three in New York City that have started offering donor milk within the past month— Maimonides Infants and Children’s Hospital in Brooklyn and NYU Langone Medical Center and Bellevue Hospital Center in Manhattan. Since 2012, 326 New York mothers have donated milk to MMBNE, including 35 from Brooklyn alone. The new depot will make it easier than ever for Brooklyn mothers to provide the lifesaving gift of donor milk.

Mothers who wish to donate milk can review guidelines on the Milk Bank website, www.milkbankne.org/donate, then contact a Donor Intake Coordinator for screening at 212-993-1566 or donate@milkbankne.org. Approved donors can then arrange to drop off milk at the new depot by e-mailing Rachel Anne Libon at rachelanne@brooklynbirthingcenter.com.


New Websites, New Logos, New Look!

The following is an excerpt from our November e-newsletter. To sign up to receive our (low volume) newsletter, please click here.

Dear Friends of the Brooklyn Midwifery Group and Brooklyn Birthing Center,

Have you noticed our new look? Brooklyn Birthing Center has a brand new logo and an updated website! We also recently launched a new website for our provider group, Brooklyn Midwifery Group. Why the separate website? While our midwives are best known for providing prenatal care and attending deliveries at the birthing center, we wanted to highlight the fact that our midwives also offer routine gynecological care and family planning. Please visit the new Brooklyn Midwifery Group website for more information, including office hours and directions.

We are also very pleased to announce the birth of Brooklyn Lactation Group’s website! This site features detailed information about our breastfeeding support services, which are available to all new and expecting parents. The best part? We accept most insurance plans for lactation visits. Check out Brooklyn Lactation Group’s Resources page for information about insurance coverage under the ACA, legal protections for breastfeeding moms, educational hand-outs, recommended websites, and more!

Last but not least, we renovated and redecorated our birthing center! Brooklyn Birthing Center now boasts two large suites with private tubs, a cozy postpartum suite, a updated family room with a pull-out couch, and an redecorated classroom:



The original artwork adorning our walls was generously donated by the friends and family of the late Chris Twomey. Ms. Twomey’s mixed-media meditations on birth, babies, and motherhood are a perfect fit for BBC. We are honored to showcase Ms. Twomey’s work and help to preserve her legacy.


Another Happy BBC Birth Story!

We just love it when clients let us share their stories- though we recommend grabbing a box of tissues before reading any further. We can’t make it through this one without crying tears of joy for this mama and her beautiful family!

It’s been a week since I birthed my son, Isaac, at the BBC, and I wanted to let the staff know how much I appreciated the superlative care I received with them.

I did not begin my pregnancy in a great state. ​My son​ was developing beautifully and my husband and I were thrilled for the pregnancy, but I was visiting an OB whose highly interventionist practice made me uncomfortable, and whose administrative staff struggled to navigate the complicated ins and outs of the Affordable Care Act health insurance plans, adding a huge amount of stress to an already unsettled time.

I’d done some reading on midwifery in this country, and I knew I was interested in working and birthing with midwives. When I finally made the switch from the OB to the BBC, about 7 months on, I felt like I’d come home. ​Each friendly, reassuring prenatal visit felt tailored to me and to my needs (physical and emotional), and I felt like the midwives and administrative staff at the BBC were invested and interested in my care. (Side note: I have yet to have health insurance admin issues since switching to the BBC – what a relief! Well done, BBC) On the advice of the BBC staff, my husband and I enrolled in the excellent Childbirth Preparation, Breastfeeding and Newborn Care classes offered at the BBC, and we found this helpful, insightful information empowering as my son’s due date approached.

When I finally did go into labor, the excellent midwife Denine was easy to contact and very clear and reassuring over the phone. After I had labored at home for about 12 hours with my husband, sister, and doula, Denine advised me to come to the Center, and admitted me about an hour after our arrival, pending another centimeter’s dilation – to assist this, I needed to walk to the end of the block and back, and though I was convinced we’d only been gone 10 minutes, it actually took me 6 times that time…

Once they’d admitted me, Denine and birth assistant Angie were careful to keep an eye on me and make me feel safe, while essentially leaving me to continue laboring with my little birth team. I labored in the tub (hydrotherapy is amazing!!), over a birthing ball, on the toilet, standing, and probably other ways that I don’t remember. In addition to working with me, Denine and Angie worked beautifully with my team, suggesting ways my team could help me and reassuring my sister and husband.

When pushing time came, Denine and Angie jumped into action. They were focused, efficient and encouraging – I’d been laboring for nearly 20 hours and was getting very tired. They gave my son and me some oxygen toward the end, but thankfully, that was the only ‘intervention’ I needed. They never let me doubt that my body was up to this monumental task.

After what seemed like an eternity, I pushed out my son, with my doula and husband at my head, Denine eye to eye with me down front, and my sister and Angie supporting my legs. The moments after the birth were a blur; mostly I remember a howling, thrashing purple body on my chest and looking up and seeing my exhausted sister quietly crying in the corner. Just to add to the surreal intensity of the moment, a thunderstorm began outside.

Denine stitched me up, Angie got my husband, baby Isaac and me comfortable, and my parents came in to meet their grand-baby – they’d arrived around the time I started pushing. Eventually, Angie swapped shifts with another birth assistant, Shalawn, and my little mini family settled down to sleep, with my parents sleeping in the family room next door. My husband slept some, and I tried, but mostly I just watched Isaac sleep.

I’m writing all of this down because I want to remember these details, and I am so grateful to have had a birth experience where I was able to be mentally present the whole time, even in a sort of surreal way. My son’s birth was intensely challenging and hugely rewarding, and I cannot fully express in words how grateful I am to the BBC for helping me have this incredible experience.

10 days later, Isaac is growing and feeding like a demon, with a deliciously weird little personality and a rocket-launcher metabolism. He is unimaginably perfect and my husband and I are wholly besotted with our little guy.

Thanks so much for all that you do. Y’all are getting a good Yelp shout-out from me!

Best regards and thanks from Barbara, John and Isaac


Why Birth Centers Matter: An Amazing Testimonial From a New Mom

Here at Brooklyn Birthing Center, we have been working with other advocates to improve legislation for freestanding birthing centers in New York state. For more information and action alerts, please see our most recent e-newsletter!

When we asked the experts- our fabulous mamas- to weigh in on why New York state needs more freestanding birthing centers, we received this AMAZING testimonial from a new mom. Thanks for sharing your story, Anne!

“To say that I am grateful for the birthing experience that I had at the Brooklyn Birthing Center does not adequately describe my feelings. When my husband and I found out we were expecting we immediately began searching for the kind of care provider and facility that would allow us to have the natural birth experience that we were looking for. We were not quite ready for a home birth but knew that we preferred to not be in a hospital setting. After some research, I was so excited to find the Brooklyn Birthing Center, and was, honestly, quite surprised that it was really the only option available. 

The prenatal care I received there was personal, thorough, and informative. I appreciated the midwives hands-on approach and the time they spent getting to know me and my wants and fears surrounding birth. By the time my third trimester rolled around, I felt very comfortable at the practice and with all staff members that I came in contact with. The atmosphere at the center felt safe and welcoming instead of sterile and cold, like some hospitals that we toured. 

On the day I went into labor I was in touch with the midwife on call throughout the day as I labored at home. When I arrived at the birth center it was a bit of a blur, I was coming into my 10th hour of labor and was really working hard. The midwife and birth assistants brought such a calm energy and their presence and knowledge made be feel at ease as I worked through my contractions. I won’t go into all the details of the birth but I will tell you that it was the most amazing and beautiful experience of my life. I was blessed to have an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth and I am so thankful that I was able to deliver in a setting that supported me and believed in me and the kind of birth experience that I wanted to have. 

My perfect baby boy was delivered in the water and given to me right away. We were able to stay skin to skin through most of the exam and while I delivered the placenta. My husband and I were able to stay together and sleep in the room with the newest member of our family. We were given time to just stare at this perfect baby that just came into our lives. 

So, yes, I am grateful for my experience at the Brooklyn Birthing Center. I am also very certain that I would not have had the same experience at a hospital. For this reason I hope that the birth center option becomes available to more women and partners who are interested in having a low intervention, safe, medical yet homey environment to bring babies into the world. Birth is a natural process and a birth center allows that process to happen on its own time, in its own way.

Thank you, BBC!” -Anne Klar



Spring Into Action for New York Birthing Centers!

The following is an excerpt from our most recent e-newsletter. To sign up for monthly e-mail updates, click here.

Dear Friends of the Brooklyn Midwifery Group and Brooklyn Birthing Center,

It looks like all those April (and May) showers are paying off- spring is in full bloom! We just hope the sun decides to peek out during this holiday weekend. We are also hoping you will take a moment to spring into action (see what we did there?) for birthing centers in New York!

A new piece of legislation called the Midwifery Birth Center Bill is on the table. This bill endeavors to support midwife-led birthing centers, but does not address the many unique legal obstacles to opening freestanding birthing facilities in New York state. We need to let the decision-makers know that we need a more comprehensive bill if we want birthing centers to flourish in New York! Please sign this petition, and follow the New York State Alliance for Birth Centers on Facebook and Twitter for updates! 


Introducing… New Office Locations, New Lactation Program!

The following is an excerpt from our e-newsletter. To sign up for monthly e-mail updates, click here.

Dear Friends of the Brooklyn Midwifery Group and Brooklyn Birthing Center,

We have some very exciting news to share with you! Starting April 1st, the Brooklyn Midwifery Group will be partnering with Joanne Middleton, CNM, Ph.D. Joanne is longtime champion of family-centered birth options, and has attended over 3,000 births during her 40 years as a midwife! We are thrilled to be working with her. 

As a result of this new partnership, our clients can now schedule office visits with Joanne in Park Slope or WilliamsburgJoanne will also be attending deliveries and seeing clients at our office on Ocean Avenue. This collaboration will make midwifery care and birthing center deliveries even more accessible to families throughout Brooklyn and beyond. 

For more information about locations, hours, and appointments, please see our website.

We are also very pleased to introduce our new Director of Lactation Services, Adina Lerer, RN-BSN, IBCLC. Adina will be spearheading our new Lactation Program, which will soon include expanded prenatal breastfeeding education, postpartum lactation home visits, and a breastfeeding warm line! Adina is now available to meet with pregnant and breastfeeding clients by appointment- please call our office to schedule a consultation. 

Last but not least, we will be hosting our next La Leche League meeting on Monday, May 5th, from 7-8 PM. This is a great opportunity for new and expecting parents to socialize, support one another, and learn more about breastfeeding, postpartum health, and baby care. No need to register in advance- just drop in, and bring your friends!


New ACOG and SMFM Statement Challenges Overuse of Cesarean Deliveries

Yesterday, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine issued a joint obstetric care consensus statement entitled, Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery. This groundbreaking statement has the potential to change how childbirth is managed in the United States- and prevent many unnecessary cesarean sections and other interventions.

Significantly, new recommendations include avoiding induction before 41 weeks (unless there is a medical indication); allowing for a longer latent stage and a longer second stage of labor; the use of amnioinfusion for variable fetal heart rate decelerations; and the use of instrument-assisted vaginal deliveries instead of cesareans when possible. The statement also notes that continuous labor support, including support provided by doulas, is one of the most effective ways to decrease the cesarean rate. In a nutshell, this ACOG and SMFM statement lends support to the midwifery model of care and the importance of allied birth workers and educators.

You can read the full statement here. A Science and Sensibility post by Judith Lothian, PhD, RN, LCCE, FACCE, summarizes many of the statement’s highlights in lay terms.